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<p>I've been trying to get my DRBD cluster on Centos8 / Pacemaker 2
to work but have had issues with cluster not failing over (I get
error messages like "Refusing to be Primary while peer is not
outdated"). This has been explained in other posts. In trying
different things I changed my constraint from PROMOTE to START and
things seem to be working:<br>
<p>DOES NOT WORK (works in pacemaker <2)<br>
pcs constraint order PROMOTE drbd0-clone then start fs_drbd<br>
pcs constraint order START drbd0-clone then start fs_drbd<br>
<p>Note: The colocation constraint seems to work even if it's:<br>
<li>"pcs constraint colocation add fs_drbd with drbd0-clone
INFINITY with-rsc-role=Master id=nfs_on_drbd"</li>
<li>or just "pcs constraint colocation add fs_drbd with
<p>What's the correct way for constraints on M/S DRBD? It just feels
wrong doing just "start" instead of "promote" like I've been doing
over the last 15 years. In pacemaker 2.x the master/slave resource
changed to clone so this is new to me.<br>
Any input is most helpful!<br>
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