[ClusterLabs] PCMK_node_start_state=standby sometimes does not work

井上 和徳 inouekazu at intellilink.co.jp
Tue Nov 28 04:36:52 EST 2017


Sometimes a node with 'PCMK_node_start_state=standby' will start up Online.

[ reproduction scenario ]
 * Set 'PCMK_node_start_state=standby' to /etc/sysconfig/pacemaker.
 * Delete cib (/var/lib/pacemaker/cib/*).
 * Start pacemaker at the same time on 2 nodes.
  # for i in rhel74-1 rhel74-3 ; do ssh -f $i systemctl start pacemaker ; done

[ actual result ]
 * crm_mon
  Stack: corosync
  Current DC: rhel74-3 (version 1.1.18-2b07d5c) - partition with quorum
  Last change: Wed Nov 22 06:22:50 2017 by hacluster via crmd on rhel74-3

  2 nodes configured
  0 resources configured

  Node rhel74-3: standby
  Online: [ rhel74-1 ]

 * cib.xml
    <node id="3232261507" uname="rhel74-1"/>
    <node id="3232261509" uname="rhel74-3">
      <instance_attributes id="nodes-3232261509">
        <nvpair id="nodes-3232261509-standby" name="standby" value="on"/>

 * pacemaker.log
  Nov 22 06:22:50 [20755] rhel74-1   crmd: (cib_native.c:462 ) warning: cib_native_perform_op_delegate:	Call failed: No such device or address
  Nov 22 06:22:50 [20755] rhel74-1   crmd: ( cib_attrs.c:320 )    info: update_attr_delegate:	Update   <node id="3232261507">
  Nov 22 06:22:50 [20755] rhel74-1   crmd: ( cib_attrs.c:320 )    info: update_attr_delegate:	Update     <instance_attributes id="nodes-3232261507">
  Nov 22 06:22:50 [20755] rhel74-1   crmd: ( cib_attrs.c:320 )    info: update_attr_delegate:	Update       <nvpair id="nodes-3232261507-standby" name="standby" value="on"/>
  Nov 22 06:22:50 [20755] rhel74-1   crmd: ( cib_attrs.c:320 )    info: update_attr_delegate:	Update     </instance_attributes>
  Nov 22 06:22:50 [20755] rhel74-1   crmd: ( cib_attrs.c:320 )    info: update_attr_delegate:	Update   </node>

 * I attached crm_report to GitHub (too big to attach to this email), so look at it.

I think that the additional timing of <node id="3232261507">*1 and <instance_attributes id="nodes-3232261507">*2 is the cause.
*1 <node id="3232261507" uname="rhel74-1"/>'
*2 <instance_attributes id="nodes-3232261507">
     <nvpair id="nodes-3232261507-standby" name="standby" value="on"/>

I expect to be fixed, but if it's difficult, I have two questions.
1) Does this only occur if there is no cib.xml (in other words, there is no <node> element)?
2) Is there any workaround other than "Do not start at the same time"?

Best Regards

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