[ClusterLabs] Antw: Help to Handling Split brain on Pacemaker

Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl at rz.uni-regensburg.de
Wed Oct 19 03:01:29 EDT 2016

>>> K Aravind <ezbi.124 at gmail.com> schrieb am 19.10.2016 um 07:19 in Nachricht
<CAKcbShxu7SKvE8d_=ckeaxo=kHGBZnzynLs5G-VFjy6GDfL5dQ at mail.gmail.com>:
> Hi All
> I have two few questions regarding  pacemaker's handling of pacemaker
> 1.Is there a way to notify the clusters upon detection of a split brain on
> the network ?

I suggest to be more concrete regarding the scenario. You can always monitor the logs for specific strings, but usually split brain will be followed by some fencing operation, so I don't really understand your issue.

>    I would like to take certain actions based on it such as blocking the
> DB,logging etc
> 2.Under Section 5.4 of Pacemaker Explained Document
>    Table 5.2. Options for a Primitive Resource
>     multiple-active allowed options are block,stop_only and stop_start.
>     Are there any other options available ?
>     My application takes a long time to stop, start and block is not a
> feasible solution either so      does pacemaker offer any other options ?
> Thanks
> Aravind

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