[Pacemaker] lxc resource fixes

Marcus Osdoba marcus.osdoba at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 23 15:42:10 EDT 2012

Dear mailinglist,

I am using lxc in a pacemaker clustered environment.
I have noted, that the current version in git is not capable to work 
with 0.7.5 correctly.

The lxc-ps command changed in 0.7.5, too. So I have applied the same fix 
as the last commit on lxc in resource-agent.git [0].

[1] and [2] are cosmetical fixes. I think it's better to give a warning, 
when the container is stopped instead of cleanly halted.

Regarding [3], at least in Debian based systems, it's possible to launch 
the lxc-halt command to perform a clean shutdown of the container. 
Therfore, I enhanced the current lxc-ocf version to support an additonal 
optional parameter named shutdownmethod. It defaults to the current 
behaviour, which is sending SIGPWR to init/systemd processes inside the 
container. Alternatively, it's possible to command an lxc-halt to the 
container (which does not require the requested powerfail-line in inittab).

Please consider committing [0] at least and think about the alternative 
halt-method [3].

Thanks in advance and kind regards,





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