[Pacemaker] Change in meta clone-max result in resource restart everywhere

Rainer Brestan rainer.brestan at gmx.net
Mon Apr 30 07:36:50 EDT 2012

When updating the meta attribute clone-max all instances of the clone are terminated and immediately restarted.

Following configuration (not symmetric cluster):
primitive resMux_gw ocf:heartbeat:Dummy op start interval="0" timeout="10" op stop interval="0" timeout="10" op monitor interval="10" timeout="3" on-fail="restart" start-delay="10" meta failure-timeout="15m" migration-threshold="3"
clone cloneMux_gw resMux_gw meta clone-max="2" target-role="Started" is-managed="true"
location locMux_gwmanagement1 cloneMux_gw 1000: management1

crm resource status cloneMux_gw shows
resource cloneMux_gw is running on: management1
which is correct, because there is location information only present for node management1.

When clone-max is now updated by
crm resource meta cloneMux_gw set clone-max 1
resMux_gw is immediately restarted on management1. I see in pacemaker log a stop call to the resource agent and after a few milliseconds a start.

My question, is there any reason for stopping all instances during update of clone-max ?
After update of clone-max in the above case, the same resources run on the same nodes as before.

Pacemaker version is 1.1.5

Thanks, Rainer
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