[Pacemaker] Howto write a STONITH agent

Christoph Herrmann C.Herrmann at science-computing.de
Thu Jan 13 15:09:38 EST 2011


I have some brand new HP Blades with ILO Boards (iLO 2 Standard Blade Edition 1.81 ...)
But I'm not able to connect with them via the external/riloe agent.
When i try:

stonith -t external/riloe -p "hostlist=node1 ilo_hostname=ilo1  ilo_user=ilouser ilo_password=ilopass ilo_can_reset=1 ilo_protocol=2.0 ilo_powerdown_method=power" -S

I get the following answer:

external/riloe[14317]: ERROR: unknown power method %s, setting to "power"
external/riloe[14317]: ERROR: [Errno -2] Name or service not known, while talking to ilo_hostname=ilo1

** (process:14315): CRITICAL **: external_run_cmd: Calling '/usr/lib64/stonith/plugins/external/riloe status' returned 1

** (process:14315): CRITICAL **: external_status: 'riloe status' failed with rc 1
stonith: external/riloe device not accessible.

But I can access ilo1 with http, https and ssh. The easiest way to reset a node is to run:

ssh -i ilo-sshkey ilouser at ilo1 reset system1 

I thouhgt it is easier to write a new ssh-ilo agent (I'm almost done :-) than debugging the existing one. But I'm looking for a short howto. I've read some STONITH agents, but they are not completely self-explaining and I have some questions. Is there a short howto write a stonith agent manual which google and I were not able to find?
Or should I post all questions to the list?
here we go:

1. (and most important): What does the status check do, if you have an agent which runs as cloned resource (my ssh-ilo agent should run as a cloned resource). Does it check all nodes? Is it possible to check the status of a single node?
2. What are the expected return codes?

more to follow ;-)


   Christoph &:-)
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