[Pacemaker] resource sets (rsc_order)

Juergen Hartmann Juergen.Hartmann at LHSystems.com
Thu Jan 6 05:05:06 EST 2011

I'm new in pacemaker and have a problem which is hopefully to solve easily from
someone. I try to configure a cluster where should run a oracle database and a
application which needs the DB. Now I go in trouble with the configuration,
maybe someone could give a hint what I should do that it works.

I have a few resources which I had put in groups (after the first test that does
not work I try it without groups). Each group then with one drbd, one filesytem
and one ip address resource. 
Now I try to configure a dependency between this resources, I will (must) start
one drbd at first then the resources which related to this drbd and after that I
could start the next "group" or the other resources.
I try it with rsc_order - resource sets but I'm not able to include the order
set because of syntax errors (it is not possible to use drbd resources in order
sets ?) I think it is possible with step by step order commands but I thought it
should be possible with groups or order sets. 

I try it in this way :
<rsc_order id="test.ord">
    <resource_set id="test.ord.set" sequential="true">
     <resource_ref id="oracle-SG.ms" action="promote"/>
     <resource_ref id="oracle-SG.fs"/>
     <resource_ref id="oracle-SG.ip"/>
     <resource_ref id="oracle-SG.oracleDB"/>
     <resource_ref id="oracle-SG.oraclelsn"/>
     <resource_ref id="test-SG.ms" action="promote"/>
     <resource_ref id="test-SG.fs"/>

Thanks a lot in advance !

Best Regards

Jürgen Hartmann

My configuration :

primitive test-SG.drbd.r1 ocf:heartbeat:drbd params drbd_resource="r1" op
monitor role="Master" interval="20s" timeout="20s" op monitor role="Slave"
interval="30s" timeout="20s" op start interval="0" timeout="240" op stop
interval="0" timeout="100"
primitive test-SG.fs ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem params device="/dev/drbd1"
directory="/opt/lsy" fstype="ext3"
primitive test-SG.ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params nic="eth0" ip=""
cidr_netmask="16" op monitor interval="30s"
primitive oracle-SG.drbd.r0 ocf:heartbeat:drbd params drbd_resource="r0" op
monitor role="Master" interval="20s" timeout="20s" op monitor role="Slave"
interval="30s" timeout="20s" op start interval="0" timeout="240" op stop
interval="0" timeout="100"
primitive oracle-SG.fs ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem params device="/dev/drbd0"
directory="/ora01" fstype="ext3"
primitive oracle-SG.ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params nic="eth0" ip=""
cidr_netmask="16" op monitor interval="30s"
primitive oracle-SG.oracleDB ocf:heartbeat:oracle op monitor interval="120s"
timeout="60s" op start interval="0" timeout="120" op stop interval="0"
timeout="120" params sid="tar" home="/opt/oracle/11.2.0" user="oracle"
primitive oracle-SG.oraclelsn ocf:heartbeat:oralsnr op monitor interval="120s"
timeout="60s" op start interval="0" timeout="120" op stop interval="0"
timeout="120" params sid="tar" home="/opt/oracle/11.2.0" user="oracle"
group test-SG test-SG.ip test-SG.fs
group oracle-SG oracle-SG.fs oracle-SG.ip oracle-SG.oracleDB oracle-SG.oraclelsn
ms test-SG.ms test-SG.drbd.r1 meta clone-max="2" notify="true"
ms oracle-SG.ms oracle-SG.drbd.r0 meta clone-max="2" notify="true"
location oracle-SG.loc oracle-SG.ms rule role=master 100: \#uname eq
location test-SG.loc test-SG.ms rule role="master" 100: \#uname eq
colocation test-SG.col inf: test-SG test-SG.ms:Master
colocation oracle-SG.col inf: oracle-SG oracle-SG.ms:Master
or this ...
colocation oracle-SG.col.1 inf: oracle-SG.fs oracle-SG.ms:Master
colocation oracle-SG.col.2 inf: oracle-SG.ip oracle-SG.fs
colocation oracle-SG.col.3 inf: oracle-SG.oracleDB oracle-SG.ip
colocation oracle-SG.col.4 inf: oracle-SG.oraclelsn oracle-SG.oracleDB
colocation netline.col.1 inf: test-SG.ip test-SG.ms:Master
colocation netline.col.2 inf: test-SG.fs test-SG.fs

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