[Pacemaker] [BUG] Clone + group = orphan(s) ?

Thomas Guthmann tguthmann at iseek.com.au
Mon Jan 4 19:41:50 EST 2010


> So cloned groups are not fun and side effects are random :) I will do
> more tests without IPAddr2 which seems a bit fancy and dodgy.

I've just tried to clone a group tom-TEST containing 2 simple primitives 
(ocf:homemade:named and ocf:pacemaker:Dummy). The group runs fine but 
when I ask pacemaker to clone it, 2 orphans appear (tom-TEST:2 and 
tom-TEST:3). Then if I decide to cleanup one orphan, a cloned group is 
stopped and moved to the one I've just cleaned up. It's maybe be the 
default behaviour but i don't understand what an orphan is, why they 
appear and how to get rid of them once they appeared. Did I miss the 
chapter in 'configuration explained' ?

Is there any considerations/constraints I should be aware of when we 
want to clone groups ?


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