[Pacemaker] How to delete a resource

Colin colin.hch at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 05:10:33 EST 2009

On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Tim Serong <tserong at novell.com> wrote:
> On 12/7/2009 at 08:53 PM, Colin <colin.hch at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> when trying to delete a resource, either by replacing the whole
>> "<resources>"-part of the CIB with cibadmin with a new version where
>> some resources are missing, or by using a "crm_resource -t primitive
>> —resource name —delete", I get the following error:
>> Error performing operation: Update does not conform to the configured
>> schema/DTD
>> Now since the error doesn't tell me where the problem is, I can only
>> guess that the problem is that other, dynamic parts of the CIB still
>> "reference" the resource, and the schema prevents "dangling
>> references". So if these methods don't work, and the "crm"-shell
>> doesn't have a "delete" for resources, is there an official and simple
>> way to delete a resource?
> This should do it:
>  # crm configure delete <resource-id>

Thanks, that did the trick — it recursively deletes everything
connected to the resource.

Wonder why crm_resource —delete doesn't do the same thing…

Regards, Colin

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